Love’s Bounty Hunter is a new comedy series that reveals the inner workings of a fictional online dating company and the people who play Cupid there.
Our story follows Claire Desmond, who is coerced into signing a contract with America’s largest online dating company, Love’s Bounty Hunter, as a “featured dater” in Los Angeles. She’s entirely at the whim of the Love’s Bounty Hunter computer algorithms and must go on at least one date with every match the computer finds for her.
In the series, the regular cast of characters will be supplemented with featured cameos from actual online dating insiders: dating coaches, matchmakers, and professional wingmen, just to name a few. In addition, the show will feature reenactments of crazy dates sourced directly from YOU the audience, featuring celebrities and well–known actors playing opposite the lead characters.
I can think of a pretty solid cast of dating industry folks who could play it real on a show like this. Looking forward to my cameo.
More at Indiegogo.