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howaboutwe couples launch screen

How About We Couples Pre-Launch.

Fb dating site ads

I hate how FB shows which ads my friends like. Really don’t care. Look how OkCupid is showing what appears to be a tip on how to get more messages, smart. Are You Interested boob shots, par for the course.

At $20/share, Facebook has got to come up with better ad units. This crap is just awful, no wonder there are so many bots clicking on Facebook ads.

ChristianMingle and CatholicMatch are all over the place. Three day trials? Dating sites still do this? I keep seeing their ads on YouTube videos. I’m not Christian, not Catholic, but still I see the ads #targetingfail.

There are two ways to look at blurring faces in profile photos. One is that its a good idea for privacy. The other is that I want to see your friend’s faces and blurring them is taking away a valuable point of reference. Are they ugly? Are they men or women?

match blurs profile photo faces

catholic match 3 day trial