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When it comes to matters of the heart many people look to the stars for guidance. Not long ago that was limited to a daily horoscope, or a much more involved in-person consultation with an astrologer. Now online astrologer Kelli Fox and her team at The Astrologer, Inc have a modern twist on this ancient form of divination with an API to their compatibility profiling system

The content is delivered in the form of “reports” that use member’s date of birth. Some of their clients offer “teaser” information to all members (adding some useful content to often opaque member profiles) then up-sell to full profiles for a fee. Others offer a premium monthly subscription.

This is the sort of service that on certain sites can improve user experience and at the same time raise average revenue per user. Moonit is another user-friendly and modern solution.

While Match has its Synapse matching system, astrology has been around thousands of years.

For inquires, please contact Sean Kelley at sean@theastrologer.com.