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Personal sites broadcasting singles are a new trend. Along the lines of Welcome to Hook Chas up we have Date My Friend Finger.

Take a look at Facereader, which purports to understand personalities based on facial features. Look what it says about me from my photo. Wow.

Beyond Pink and Blue: A Look at Gender Colors.

Looks like the official eHarmony Blog has deleted the post “eHarmony.com NOT hacked.” Revisionist history.

Visual DNA update: They’ve dropped the dating industry completely and focussing on content and ad targeting. There just didn’t seem to be enough people that would be able to pay the amount they need to charge to make it make sense. Thats too bad, I liked their system.

nChooseTwo college dating site nChooseTwo is a new dating site run by a couple of guys at MIT. Now we have Date My School (NYT Article). The site, which raised $500,000 startup capital, requires a college email address required.

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