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As more and more people subscribe to dating sites, buy freemium upgrades and virtual goods, having a comprehensive billing system in place thats tied into the dating site sales funnel is more important than ever. Especially when it comes to re-billing at the end of a subscription.

Dating sites should not be considered roach motels and the industry could use some pointers on not only making it easy for people to subscribe but also to unsubscribe.

But while you have that credit card, I mean customer, on the hook and are attempting to monetize the hell out of them, don’t leave a ton of money on the table due to sketchy or poorly-planned and integrated billing solutions.

In 2010 Vindicia handled more than $2 billion in transactions through its CashBox™ system.

  • Vindicia clients generated an additional $50 million in revenue through the unique CashBox customer retention and chargeback management capabilities
  • Handled nearly 400,000 chargebacks

Dating clients include Online Buddies, SpeedDate, Avid Life Media and SNAP Interactive (Are You Interested.)

Check out Vindicia dating industry solutions.