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Did the Millionaire Matchmaker Sabotage Her Clients? Oh no! Looks like Patti Stanger, Millionaire Matchmaker has raised the ire of certain male clients. According to iVillage’s Did the Millionaire Matchmaker Sabotage Her Clients?, three male  millionaires who recently appeared on the BRAVO show complained that their lives and reputations had been ruined.

Interestingly, Stanger’s female millionaire clients don’t seem at all bitter about their TV appearances, even though they got the same harsh on-camera treatment. Caterer Andre Correale says she appeared “exaggerated” on the show, but that it actually helped her business. And PR maven Robin Kassner, whom Stanger called fat and delusional, says she’s since recommended Patti’s services to her friends.

If you are rich and you go on television to find a mate, what do you think they’re going to do? Hint: anything to get ratings.

I have an old client who was on Millionaire Matchmaker a few years ago. In some ways they were authentic, other ways ridiculous and finally, good entertainment, which is all the show is really about in the end.

If you want to see famous people look bad, go watch Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. If you are really hard core, Intervention is the show for you. But getting upset for looking like an ass on television when you signed the release waiver? Guess this one is for the lawyers to fight out.