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Dating site startup DateBuzz did some number crunching to flesh out which of the most popular dating rules held up based on the experiences of their users.

From the Earth’s current axial tilt to Men are From Mars… to the authors of The Rules, the common thought is that men and women are busily ignoring/not ignoring, being available/being unavailable, calling/not calling, dating/not dating one another. It’s exhausting. And confusing. Amen to that.

I am super-pleased to see the more enlightened sites studying their members and sharing the trends, best practices and tactics that lead to more successful dating. This is another one of those things I’ve been asking the industry to do for what, five years now?

Pretty soon people may ignore site that *don’t* provide this kind of information.

It’s not terribly difficult to run a few database queries to find out interesting things about how people search connect and communicate on dating sites and share that with members.

Read the results in If You’re Following these 3 Rules, It’s No Accident You’re Single.