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second life love.pngThe Linden Lab PR team is seeking Second Life love stories. Did you meet your significant other in SL? Do you meet up for inworld dates while apart from each other in the physical world? If you’re open to sharing your story (and some RL info) with journalists, please email PressContact@LindenLab.com for a brief questio…nnaire, using your SL name and this subject line: “Source: Second Life Love Story – [SL NAME]”

Facebook Comments:

“It’s a great place to virtual date with your real partner. You can go places you might not normally get to go in RL.”

“How about how SL ruined a ten year relationship, I got one of those -_-;;”

“Met my bf on sl almost a year ago..fell head over heels and moved 1200 miles to be with him. best decision ever and ive never been so happy!”

“I might be nuts but I married my SL partner in RL. We have been happily together for almost two years.”

“Finding someone who is trust worthy, is a challenge. whether it be SL or RL.”