Social dating site Thread appears to be going in the direction of a Zook or Are You Interested clone. I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case. Meeting friends of friends is obviously a the primary way people connect, but more incessant clicking is not what I was expecting. I asked a few friends about their friends today, will be interesting to see what they write back. Thread relies on Facebook’s email functionality to ask people about their friends. This is smooth, but what if FB cuts them off? The entire business fails, at least until they can put a workaround in place. I’m guessing they will leverage FB, build up a few million users, then move them over to, just like every other social dating company does once they reach a certain size.
I’m a rookie matchmaker. We’ll see how well I do hooking up guys with my single female friends. I should be able to charge guys to meet my friends, where’s the PayPal option? You think I’m going to just hand over someone’s contact information? This is going to be a thorny issue moving forward for Thread.