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Match released a survey of members that puts a finger on the pulse of singles’ attitudes about dating and the early stages of a relationship. Of those members who participated in Match.com’s survey, 85 percent agree that there shouldn’t be any kissing on the first date, and 62 percent agree that men should foot the bill for that initial rendezvous. Such traditional dating attitudes in the new decade aren’t the only surprises from Match.com singles.

Here are the highlights:

— Taking each other at face value: When meeting each other for the first
time in person, 32 percent of women are most interested in a man’s
smile, while 30 percent of men focus on their dates’ eyes.
— Dinner or a movie? Nearly half of the singles surveyed still prefer a
casual dinner out for a first date, while less than 1 percent chose
movie theaters as good first-date options.
— Check, please: While a majority of men and women agreed that the guy
should pick up the bill on a first date, 37 percent said that
splitting the bill was preferable. A paltry two-tenths of a percent
thought the woman should pick up the check.
— Kiss and Tell: About 85 percent of both men and women feel
uncomfortable kissing someone on the first date. Men were more willing
to pucker up quickly; however, approximately 35 percent said that by
the second date, a kiss felt more appropriate.
— Let’s do this again: 55 percent of women still expect the man to call
after the first date. Meanwhile, 73 percent of men surveyed said it’s
OK for either dater to follow up.
— Those three little words: About 50 percent of singles – split evenly
between men and women – agreed that you should wait at least three
months before saying “I love you.”

This is proof that Match membership continues to trend older. Less youngsters means more buttoned-up behavior, as evidenced by this survey. Wonder what the median age was for this study?

Only 30% of men focus on women’s eyes? Besides breasts, what else is there to look at across from the dinner table eating the meal the man is expected to pay for?

85% say no kissing on first date? Say it ain’t so! I wonder what that percentage is on OKcupid or Mate1?

No dinner on first dates, coffee is where it’s at.

If a woman says she loves me after three months I immediately run in the other direction, too soon.