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SMSBenchmarkHero.png SubscriptionSiteInsider has released Subscription & Membership Site Benchmark Report, the first 100% research-based guide for subscription, membership, and paid content sites. Anne Holland, who worked tirelessly on the report, is the founder of MarketingSherpa, a go-to site for online marketers.

This report is chock-full of research, data and statistics. This is an absolute must-read for online dating executives. You owe it to yourself to pick up a copy of the report today. As an added bonus, Save $50.00 on the report if you order before December 15th. Disclaimer: I make some “beer money” by offering you the report, just like the other reports I re-sell here.

The report features 185-charts of real-life business data, including:

  • 389 real-life site execs reveal their own numbers!
  • Dating, dieting, hobby, games, video, B2B & financial sites
  • Pricing trends, conversion rates, renewal stats
  • What’s working in marketing (and what’s not)
  • Hybrid model info, including ad sales
  • Typical profits, time-to-profit, and how to lift profits

Top 10 Subscription & Membership Site Questions Answered:

Created as a *practical* resource for online content publishers, this Report features exclusive, new research answering your most pressing business questions, such as:

#1. How profitable are typical subscription sites, and how long does it take the average site to reach profitability after launching?

#2. What percent of total site visitors should take my paid subscription offer? How about my free registration or email offer? What are conversion rates for trial offers?

#3. Should I be publishing as a “hybrid model” with several revenue streams aside from subscriptions? What specific types of non-subscription products and offerings — such as advertising — are worth our time and effort, and which are not?

#4. Which are the most effective Internet marketing tactics for subscription sites right now? How about social marketing tactics? How about offline marketing such as TV, telemarketing, and direct postal mail? What’s NOT working?

#5. Is my site’s search marketing up to par compared with other sites in my niche? Should I invest more in PPC and/or SEO?

#6. How many months do average month-to-month subscribers last for? If I offer both annual and monthly subscriptions, what percent of buyers normally take each?

#7. Are double-digit credit card decline rates normal for subscription site transactions these days? How do B2B subscription site card declines compare to B2C offer declines?

#8. What sort of renewal rate is normal for annual subscriptions? What about group subscriptions? How about B2B vs consumer sites?

#9. What’s normal for pricing in each major topical niche? What’s normal for trial offers — how long are trials and should they require a credit card?

#10. What are the brand names of 550 typical subscription sites — and what sorts of challenges do their own executives say they’re battling to succeed?

These are all questions that dating site executives, startups and anyone else remotely concerned with running a subscription-based business on the Internet should be intimately familiar with.

Do yourself a favor, pick up your copy of the Subscription & Membership Site Benchmark Report and get on the fast-track to launching a new site, improving an existing property or understanding current subscription site trends. The conversion tactics, pricing research and best practices alone are worth the cost of the report.