Instead of posting link-dumps to the blog every few days, notable nuggets of news will be published to @datinginsider. Fear not the Twitter-averse, those tweets will show up in the sidebar of Online Dating Insider as well. You can scroll back through the most recent 15 posts and easily click through to the full tweets on Twitter.
If you are involved in the online dating industry in any way, subscribe to @datinginsider and I’ll follow you and if I think you make the cut, I’ll add you to one of the Twitter lists I’ve started. Right now the only lists are marketing , safety & security, and onlinedatingbiz. I’ll probably make some changes to the lists, but this is a solid step in the general direction of posting long-form articles on the blog and moving quick hits to Twitter.
I still need to figure out how to add tweets to the RSS feed, which has not changed from around 1,000 readers for several years now. I’m going to try a new push to see if I can get to 2,000 readers, or maybe everyone interested in the business of online dating is already subscribed and I have to work on attracting other users.