Fling flung me to Get It On Which is really Various, which is owned by Penthouse. I recently unsubscribed from Fling (research purposes!) and was presented with the opportunity to join Get It On (6 million months visitors at least), which is a Various, Inc. property which is owned by Penthouse and has an impending IPO. Word on the street is that Penthouse is letting go of a lot of the Various staff and others are tired of the internal strife. I’ve gotten calls from several investors looking for the inside scoop, most don’t believe the IPO will happen anytime soon, but you never really know. I’ve been on the inside of an IPO and it’s is a scary, humbling, thrilling ride, to say the least.
I like this Skout ad. The text says “She’s not into online dating because she’s just another fake profile on the internet.”
UK -based Imagini has partnered with eHarmony to offer member retention services via their Visual DNA service. I wrote about Imagini’s Photo-Driven Personal Ad Builder back in 2007.
The OnlinePersonalsWatch staff is now +1. Congrats to Mark Brooks and his lovely wife Irena, who gave birth to baby Victoria.
29 Dimensions of an Online Romance Scam? All about scammers, with a focus on the eHarmony variety.
After a few weeks of feeling like I’m Not Getting It Done, I talked to 25 dating sites, 5 partners, 4 clients and 3 media contacts this week. Feeling recharged is great.
Dating habits of iPhone users revealed.
This White Label Dating @overheardatwld internal Twitter feed is NSFW. What were they thinking?
OnlineBootyCall.com has reached 4 million members and will celebrate by giving away $1 million to one of them. An additional prize of $5000, and five $1000 prizes are up for grabs. I’m going to interview the winner.