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Screen shot 2009-11-02 at 10.39.50 AM.png I found this email from Match.com’s shuttered Down To Earth Site disconcerting. I knew about the changeover to STiR but this showing up along in my inbox with absolutely no explanation bothered me. First they promoted DTE to Match members and now things have come full circle. Did Match really need to use an image that shows off the woman’s nipple?

PlentyOfFfish is mentioned in this TechCrunch article, Two Companies That Said No To Social Media Scams.

The Chinese Internet: Why the “Copy Cats” Win. Great stuff about Zhenai, the incredibly popular Chinese matchmaking service. The stats from are worthy of an OKCupid blog post.

A random example? 60% of women with long, straight hair get second dates—even when the data is normalized for Chinese women being more likely to have long, straight hair. The worst group? Short curly hair, which has only a 5% second-date percentage. (Note to self: Good thing I’m married.) “We’re not telling them what to do, we’re just giving them information,” Li says matter-of-factly. Men also like black pantyhose and shiny color-less nail polish. (Li blushes a bit when he tells me about the pantyhose.) Li has also found that men are universally attracted to women with a .7 hip-to-waist ratio—something he believes is genetically hard-coded as a reproductive trait.

D-Day For Facebook App Developers

With Open Graph, Facebook Sets Out To Make The Entire Web Its Tributary System

Date Night in New York

Advisor: My husband has a virtual girlfriend

How to Seduce Difficult Women opens in New York on October 30th. Philippe, a French-American writer living in Manhattan, decides to take on ten relationship-challenged men to help them learn the art of seduction.

EuropeanKiss.com has redesigned their free dating site, as well as added some more features. Key features added include: post staus updates to facebook, invite from from facebook, photo capture via webcam, user events page that shows all recent events and details for a user, Integrated in-site translation for messages and profiles (using Google Translate), plus more.