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Screen shot 2009-10-15 at 9.51.30 AM.pngI finished reading The Game last night. turns out Courtney Love is on Suicide Girls. So of course I have to go check it out, haven’t been there in years. When I signed up, I was asked if I wanted to join the newbies lounge. Why don’t more dating site offer this kind of a forum for new members?

I got a few choice quotes in this Austin Business Journal article about Gelato (warning: paywall).

Social games are crushing it, leading to $1 billion projected 2009 revenue for virtual goods. When I was in LA at iDate more than a few people said I should take a look at the social gaming market. The money they are earning is incredible and it’s mostly based on the silliest of time-wasting games.

TheFind launches “buying engine,” product search from 500,000 stores. When is someone going to nail the dating site aggregator search engine model and finally get it right? It’s taking far to long for this to become reality. Really surprising that someone (besides me) hasn’t figured it out yet.

A friend works for DataXu, thought I should mention them. They have the first real-time ad optimization platform for advertisers. Unlike any other online advertising service, the DataXu platform values, bid manages and buys ads on an impression-by-impression basis, across the ad exchanges operated by Google, Yahoo and others.

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Alexa says: By way of trend-watching co PSFK I came across this free Swedish dating site, Singalo http://www.singalo.se, where the dater’s profile is written by friends:

The free site is built on recommendations, where the dater’s profile is written and submitted by a friend, although nothing is published without the consent of the single in question. This concept takes away a lot of the stigma associated with online dating for the younger generation and allow friends to act as matchmakers on the internet.

This is a great idea, takes Match.com’s testimonials the next logical step.