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Absolutely fantastic essay about married vs. single life. I am sending this to all my 40-something single friends, because it puts our situation into perspective just about perfectly.

Best Friends and Lovers is to eHarmony as Engage was to Match.com.

Congrats to advertiser Viximo for scoring a deal with photo-blogging site Fotolog. So thats the deal they wouldn’t talk about last week at lunch.

OPW says WhiteLabelDating.com’s Partner Revenues To Exceed £20 Million. 90% of this revenue will be earned by individuals who have set up their own online dating sites. A further 10% will be earned by existing brands that have unlocked revenue from online communities by launching online dating services.

Love the white label concept, time to talk to the people making $10k/month and get some perspective. WLD just said a site was too small with 4,000 members to be able to share profiles. There are a lot of potential gotchas in the white label market, shop wisely and don’t be afraid to ask too many questions.

I was a guest on the Cyber-Dating Expert Radio Show. Julie has a great lineup of guest for her show this fall

  • Chemistry.com – Dr. Helen Fisher, Chief Scientific Officer and author, Why Him? Why Her?
  • Don’t Date Him Girl – Tasha Cunningham, co-founder
  • OkCupid – Sam Yagan, CEO
  • Zoosk – Alex Mehr, co-founder
  • Alan Roger Currie – author, Mode One
  • Christian Café – Sam Moorcroft, President
  • Plenty of Fish – Kate Bilenki, Director of Love
  • Date.com, Matchmaker.com, Amor.com – Shira Kallis, Dating Advisor
  • Online Booty Call – Moses Brown, CEO

Screen shot 2009-09-22 at 5.48.41 PM.pngWho Do You Know At is a company that dating sites building apps on top of Facebook should pay attention to.

Will a clean fridge get you laid? (funny).