If you invest in social networking or online dating sites or related companies you should contact me, I have a few opportunities.
Crowdsifter does crowdsourced content moderation. Where Milabra uses silicon, crowdsifter uses humans.
Dating sites looking for ways to extract value from members might want to consider Ads Captcha. Can’t believe nobody thought of that until now.
I remember when Plentyoffish was run by one person. Now they are Looking for PHD’s and a Senior Controller.
Many online dating executives are heading to Burning Man.
Deleted 150 apps from Facebook, many of them dating-related. Application diligence is important to keep your activity stream manageable. I do like to check out Zoosk and Are You Interested from time to time. Both are popular distractions whose profitability and popularity does not correlate with their effectiveness.
Facebook has a long way to go when it comes to making it easy for people to manage their personal privacy settings. How would you like it if your wife showed up in a dating ad on Facebook.
Unrelated but interesting: Adverlab discovered that certain trigger keywords that relate to disasters kill contextual text ads in Gmail.
Facebook Expanding Gift Shop to Include Virtual and Physical Goods from Developers.
Magician Helps Out With Marriage Proposal. I would be pretty upset if someone proposed to me this way, but points for originality.