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Picture 7 14-13-24.pngI thought this was an ad for True but its really for Evony.

Carl Bialik, The Numbers Guy at the Wall Street Journal mentions this blog while writing about a topic we cover here from time to time, How Many Marriages Started Online?

Forbes Best Cities for Being Single.

The New York metro area boasts a larger number of active accounts on dating site Match.com than any other place in the country, making up 8% of the entire site’s active members.

Search Engine Land talks about comparing your SEO efforts on Google new “Caffeine” index.

Google has just unveiled a “secret project” of “next-generation architecture for Google’s web search“. This new architecture appears to include crawling, indexing, and ranking changes. For the first time, Google isn’t simply incorporating these changes into their existing infrastructure or replacing it. Instead, they’re providing a developer preview and are asking webmasters and power searchers to try it out and give them feedback.

salesforce.pngI was looking at my Salesforce stats. Why don’t I have a dashboard like this for my online dating activities? Where is the feedback from sites to push me to date more people, search for better matches, what the competition is up to, send more emails or show me how I’m Doing It Wrong? The lack of these simple tools continues to bother me to no end. It’s time for dating sites to stop throwing up generic dating sites and start assisting singles in their search for love.

Here’s a cool tool to compare results from both indexes at the same time.

The Viximo virtual goods newsletter.

Apple creating social media client? Rumor is that Apple could be developing either be an amazing aggregator of all things social, or not. Steve, stick to what you know.

Have you seen Facebook Removes Ability To Search Based On Relationship Status?

Looking for hot singles in your area? Don’t plan on using Facebook’s advanced search tool to find them. Now you’re going to have to use the various dating applications on Facebook. From All Facebook.

I’ve been looking at a whole new crop of Facebook dating applications. Zoosk and Are You Interested are some of the most popular but according to users they aren’t delivering what singles need to connect on Facebook. New competitors are arriving, prepare for the big battle to dominate Facebook dating.

A retention problem at Facebook. Great overview of Facebook social graph and outlines some of the shortcomings of the platform. Love the part about how our social graph changes dynamically yet on Facebook it’s all about adding people.

Good news for DatingHeadshots, people are starting to airbrush their Facebook photos.

Ever since I learned about Flash Cookies I’ve viewed them with awe and contempt, although not as much contempt as I have for companies which abuse them.

World Dating Partners update.

Slate reports on animal onanism.

When will my iPhone point me to the hotties?