Last week I talked to Dany and Ilan from 6 Rounds. Twitter-style pitch: 6rounds is a live meeting point – a rich, interactive and real-time video chat platform that takes shared experiences to a whole new level. Read The Next Web review of 6rounds in-depth review.
6Rounds is one of those things that are easier to experience than to explain. The first thing I thought of when I saw 6rounds was Omnidate. Once you experience the service you will see what I mean.
I’ve asked the folks at 6rounds to create a specific dating “round”, hopefully they will have something up soon. Replace the live video with an avatar and you have a robust shared experience for online daters, complete with a robust platform, API’s and the other features you need to be able to provide partners who will embed the service in dating sites.
They were nice enough to provide Online Dating Insider readers with a promo code. Let me know of you would like to meet up there and we can try the service out together. You may run into other readers as well, leave a comment about your experiences.
Background (from 6rounds)
In the last few years, we are all witnessing a revolution in the way people interact online – the social networks phenomenon, the rising usage of video streaming, the personal broadcasting trend and the real-time communication. Nevertheless, the online experience of talking with friends and meeting new people hasn’t changed much during the years and interactions have been limited to 3D worlds, multi-player games and IM. 6rounds platform aims to change this and to offer a totally new and innovative approach to real-time encounters.
Short Pitch
6rounds is a web-based live meeting point, combining webcams, social activities, and interactive zones to offer its users an exciting variety of experiences that they enjoy and share together. In a personalized live environment, users conduct a video conference in which they interact on a co-browsing experience allowing them to get to know each other and socialize together. The video experience present users with broad range of opportunities: from watching videos, playing real-time games, listening to music, co-facebooking or youtubing, to shopping together and beyond. The possibilities for interaction are really endless, as independent developers can contribute activities using the platform’s open API and users can personalize their video arena, by choosing their favorite activities, games and gifts to share with friends.
6rounds platform can easily be integrated into any 3rd party website or service – starting from an application in Facebook or an open-social app in MySpace, continuing with a plugin for WordPress or an embeddable widget in users personal pages, and ending with various extensions to IM, ICQ, Skype and Firefox. This cross-network platform will allow users from all over the web to interact live and in real-time, no matter what their favorite social network or service are.
6rounds platform offers a unique way for people to meet and spend time online. Inspired by offline communication, our innovative platform mimics various elements from real life activities, such as personal gestures and face to face interaction. By bridging the offline and the online world, users really feel close to one another and as the physical space is connected to the virtual one, geographical boundaries are fading away.
Read the 6Rounds blog to stay informed.