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DatingHeadshots and Honesty Online have announced a strategic partnership to provide daters with the tools they want to make online dating more fun and successful. Disclaimer, I work with both companies. Through this new partnership, DatingHeadshots and Honesty Online address two areas that have disappointed users — unreliable photos and inaccurate personal information.

DatingHeadshots, an industry leader in online dating photography, offers professional photo shoots that produce accurate, yet flattering photos to post on a dater’s profile. Honesty Online, a leader in online identity verification, provides a secure identity credential so daters can share verified personal information, such as a dater’s age.

Full press release.

This is a terrific partnership. I’ve been working hard to get complimentary companies to work together while pitching their services to online dating sites. Both startups and established dating sites need an a la carte menu of services to choose from. Right now the online dating business development process seems pretty broken and I hope to change that.

Dating sites often don’t have the technical resources to implement third-party technology solutions, but thankfully this new crop of partners have made integration and implementation much easier than say a generation ago.

Ric Fleisher of Honesty Online was on Ask the Cyber-Dating Expert Radio Show today talking about the company. I spent the 4th of July weekend hanging out with both companies, exciting things are coming, I’ll keep you posted.