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Picture 1.pngDan Hill is a recognized authority on the role of emotions in consumer and employee behavior with over a decade of experience running his scientific, emotional insights consultancy: Sensory Logic. Its unique research tool, facial coding, is used by the CIA and FBI.

Today Dan and I had a conversation about Sensory Logic and the next generation of online dating personality assessment technologies. Dan’s system reminded me of TelTech, who’s voice-based LoveDetect product was featured at last year’s iDate.

FOX’s Lie to Me is based on the real-life scientific discoveries of Paul Ekman (Dan’s associate and a facial coding guru).

DR. CAL LIGHTMAN (Tim Roth, “The Incredible Hulk,” “Reservoir Dogs”) can detect the truth by analyzing a person’s face, body, voice and speech. When someone shrugs his shoulder, rotates his hand or raises his lower lip, Lightman knows he’s lying. By analyzing facial expressions, he can read feelings – from hidden resentment to sexual attraction to jealousy. But as Lightman well knows, his scientific ability is both a blessing and a curse in his personal life, where family and friends deceive each other as readily as criminals and strangers do. Lightman is the world’s leading deception expert, a scientist who studies facial expressions and involuntary body language to discover not only if you are lying but why.

I can’t believe I just explained a new way to perform personality assessment by copying a television show web page at FOX.

You may recognize Dan from his work during the previous presidential campaign. He provided analysis and insights into the emotional states and appeals of the candidates.  

The implications of applying facial coding to online dating are massive. Right this minute I am controlling my web browser with gestures of my head, which is cool, but primitive, because my laptop doesn’t have any intelligence to respond to what I’m doing with my head besides click buttons.

Now imagine firing up a videoconference and being able to read emotions in real-time, or reviewing online dating profiles to see results and an analysis of how someone visually responded to a series of questions. What we have here is another remarkable tool that could easily make it’s way into future personality matching systems.