Media interest in online dating is surging this month, the recession-driven upswing in dating was a lot of smoke and mirrors for the most part, time to re-focus on what’s really important.
I was quoted in the Washington Post talking about Online Dating Aggregators. I’m working with Canoodle as well. I spoke with The Globe and Mail about Twitter dating in Fancy tweeting U in a place like this. Working on a few other articles for the New York Times and Financial Times as well.
This week I talked to, Milabra, Skout, a few EU dating startups, Honesty Online, Dating Headshots and other clients and new companies I’ve just become aware of like Ringleo, Nomee and LetsCallMe.
A big shout out to all of the Online Dating Insider sponsors. Click the links, learn about how they can help your dating site succeed and don’t forget to tell them Online Dating Insider sent you.
I’m doing some fundraising for several companies. The money is starting to flow again, but only if your concept, team and value proposition are airtight. Did you know that V.C.’s Ignore Business Plans, Study Finds – DealBook Blog – Starting a dating-related company? Check out the O’Reilly Webcast: How to Build a Lean Startup, Step by Step.
Boonex has a new video out. It’s a fun way to introduce the Boonex team. Good to seem them put themselves front and center. Too many dating software companies keep too low a profile. Getting good Google rank is one thing, connecting with your customers and being as transparent as possible is as, if not more, important.
I’m so busy right now, it’s fantastic but I have to be careful with my time. My plate is full, so to speak, and I have 20 blog posts in the hopper that need polishing. Deeper pieces, I know people get sick of linkblogs after a while. This is going to be a working weekend for me for sure.