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MixandMeet wants to know what you think about the concept of social/group dating. Leave a comment with your thoughts.

Social dating site MixandMeet is looking for expert opinions on a group dating. The site offers instant group meet-ups with a dating slant – where people with similar interests get together the same day they want to go out – no pre-planning or work required. Mix works as follows: it finds a group of men and women (6-7 people) with similar interests (e.g. wine, travel) and age who want to go out that same day.

Using its geo-clustering engine, Mix then searches its database of venues and finds an appropriate place convenient for all participants. Finally, Mix allows the participants to text each other, without revealing their cell numbers, to meet up at the venue. The benefit of Mix is that users get a quick and easy way to meet new people in a relaxed group atmosphere.

The idea has been tested in Boston so far – they are looking to expand the service as an offering to online dating/social network sites as a way for these sites to offer offline meet-ups/ group dating without the physical overhead and hassle associated with organizing events. Would this work? Why and why not? What similar offerings have or have not worked with other sites in the past? What kid of sites will be most likely interested in the Mix offering?