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Picture 2.png Are You Interested offers Meebo chat. Have you seen the new website?

Sparkbliss.com is looking for a talented CEO, email them at jobs@sparkbliss.com.

DIY Unfaithfulness Tests.

Match social network.pngThis spam email caught my eye, but no, Match.com is not launching a social network. The woman in a Match ad is showing a heck of a lot of skin, the copy is inaccurate and what’s with the phrase “mingle”? You don’t mingle on a dating site.

From AllFacebook: I didn’t know that investor and Chairman of LOLapps, Ariel Polar, is also on the board of SpeedDate, “a company that is known for acquiring other Facebook applications and converting them to SpeedDate apps, at times unbeknownst to users of the original application. SpeedDate has even been shut down by Facebook in the past.”

F3E9BB03-0994-4172-B7A6-0D00532595B0.pngThis Match ad captures the sentiment that “spring is in the air.” My friend said his adult content filter flagged this image as pr0n.