Facebook had announced a whole slew of changes, including improving the ability to share and connect, pages for public figures and organizations
I was pleased to see the heading “The Social Graph and The Stream”, as I have been championing the concept for years.
TechCrunch, Facebook’s Response to Twitter:
Facebook is also speeding up the updates that populate the news feeds on everyone’s personal page. Before, these would be updated every 10 minutes or so. Facebook’s introduction of real-time updates and a one-sided follow system mimics Twitter’s functionality.
New home page is live, featuring new filters to help prioritize your attention as well as upload features and a bunch of other stuff.
Very exciting, non? Please online dating industry, PAY ATTENTION to what Facebook is doing.
Remember when everyone started saying that paid dating was going the way of the Dodo bird when free dating sites started gaining traction? Guess what, there is a chance that Facebook could overtake free dating sites if the right company builds a bolt-on dating site infrastructure onto Facebook.
Why would I go to your bare bones niche site with 2,500 people on it when I can carve out my own niche on a site of 175 million people. It just doesn’t make any sense anymore.
What we’re seeing from Zoosk and Are You Interested is Act 1. Expect it to take a few years for the traction and hype to catch up.
This is why I have stopped offering my hourly calls and designed Online Dating Startup Bootcamp. Details to come, but suffice to say, I’m going to be much more particular about working with dating site startups. If you want to build dating site on Facebook, I’m all ears.