Mac fans are no doubt familiar with Cover Flow, which features a horizontal scrolling window displaying the contents of files. It’s a fantastic way to browse photos and is doing its part to preserve the concept of album cover art.’s Little Black Book on Facebook, while a failure, did a good job mimicking Cover Flow. I can’t even find LBB on Facebook anymore. I do see the Match Facebook page. and more interesting is the Alumni group, which weighs in at 94 people.
I mention cover flow because there is a guy who has been leaving comments on the blog for years about starting a dating site that runs on on your television.
I talked to him once and will never speak to him again because he is absolutely impossible to deal with. That’s why his idea has never gone anywhere.
In two years all new televisions will have at least wifi connections, driven by services like Netflix wanting to stream movies directly to your tv, so the idea of a dating channel doesn’t make much sense except as a stopgap measure. Nobody is going to browse profiles on their tv, but they might browse videos.
Just look at what the Comcast Dating Channel accomplished. Never heard of it? My point exactly. Nice effort though, but lacks any sort of inertia. Should have been sponsored by a dating site from the beginning and promoted better.