Major upgraded to the blog software today, let me know if anything isn’t working as expected.
Matchmaker is looking to acquire dating sites and domains. Click the link or the ad in the sidebar to get in touch if you’re selling either.
I spoke at length with eFuel this week about their virtual dating technology. I’ll post the conversation when I get the screenshots sorted out.
The Social Graph is an online representation of our relationships. These graphs define our personal, family, or business communities on social networking websites. If we can truly free our data from Facebook and Google, perhaps dating sites will follow suit, and Change Online Dating Forever.
Tell me again why I have multiple profiles on multiple dating sites again? Why don’t I have one primary profile that is used across sites? Spark Networks is in a good position to do this. It would be a natural extension of Facelink., with some sort of OnePass feature so you can try a few sites at once.
This web broswer, built specifically for African Americans, got me thinking. When is someone going to build an online dating web browser?
I get a lot of emails from dating and social apps saying “We thought you should meet so-and-so.” Mate1, SpeedDate and every Facebook dating app I’ve tried fails at this. Often the criteria is nothing more than picking a name out of a digital hat based on proximity. The new Match Five seems to be driving more traffic to the site, and it’s sending me somewhat relevant people, except many matches are based on if I like irrelevant stuff like skinny-dipping and long hair, but it’s also I believe pulling data from my Matchwords which is slick.