I’ve mentioned the leaders in location-based awareness, Loopt, Meetmoi and Brightkite, many times.
They are the leaders in the mobile social networking movement. Loopt has announced it is now available on every U.S. carrier, however, privacy concerns remain at the forefront. Do you really want everyone within 2000 meters to know you are at the laundromat, or home alone?
I predict that within a year we will read about someone’s house being robbed while they brag on Facebook about rocking out at Sandals resort in Jamaica or trekking in Asia. TMI (Too Much Information) is coming to a mobile phone near you soon, for better or worse.
Take it from me, you don’t fully appreciate how powerful location-based dating is going to be until you meet someone that way. It’s an absolute thrill, much more exciting than the usual browser-based email/chat required to meetup.