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If your dating site or social network uses Google Analytics, you should upgrade your site with their latest code to take advantage of the new tracking features. It’s being slowly rolled out, you might want to log into GA and make sure you’re signed up for the feature.

We are happy to let you know that the Event Tracking feature is now available in all profiles for the following Google Analytics Account ID: NNNNN. Please note that you are receiving this email update because you are an ‘Admin’ or designated contact for the account listed above.

When you log in to these profiles, you will see a new set of reports called “Event Tracking” under the Content section. As posted on ourblog, this is a limited release currently available only to select profiles.

Event Tracking allows you to track interactions with Web 2.0 style content such as Flash, AJAX, Silverlight, social networking apps, etc. We recently made tracking Adobe Flash even easier with the release of a new Flash Tracking client library. It allows for much simpler tracking of Flash content with drag and drop functionality and an open source framework.

To use Event Tracking, you will need to upgrade your site to use the new ga.js javascript. Detailed instructions on how to set up Event Tracking on your site are available on our CodeSite.

To find your ga.js code snippet, edit the settings for your profile and click the “Check Status” link on the upper right corner of the page. You can now track interactions beyond just pageviews.

I’m off to upgrade all of my blogs with the new code. My January project is to consolidate all of my blogs into one WordPress install. Ongoing blog and plugin upgrades, while getting easier, are still a duplication of effort as I I have standardized my templates and plugins, which are the same for every blog I run.