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millionairematchlogo.gifRecently I have been contacted by a number of companies wanting to set me up with my own dating site. The twist is that these companies already run destination dating sites. MillionaireMatch says:

We can set it up for you at no cost if you have strong interest in work-at-home business. You can pick the name for the millionaire dating site, and own the domain and brand. We take care of all the backend and engineering work.

You don’t have to worry that no one exists at your millionaire dating site at the beginning. Your site will share millions of quality profiles with other millionaire sites we have already set up. Your users can immediately contact hundreds of thousands of other users once they register at your millionaire dating site.

You can earn money if you have users registering with or without becoming a payment member.

It is easy to get users visiting your deaf dating site by doing the followings:

1. Invite friends, friends of your friends to visit your dating site;
2. Write blogs on popular sites. Think about how to promote your dating site in
smart way;
3. Create friend circle on some social networking sites to get to know more
4. Use business card, fly sheet to promote your dating site when joining social activities;

I met the owner of Millionaire Match recently, MM is one of the more successful dating sites for affluent people and those attracted to them. Interesting to see them branching out to offer private label version of their site. As dating site traffic numbers continue to remain flat or deteriorate, will we see more dating sites offering private label version of their sites and how will these established niches compete with White Label Dating, Bonefish and World Dating Partners?