I came across a service called Hello my number is.
HELLOmynumberis.com is a fun new way to meet people!
The process is simple. All you need to do is signup for an account, generate some Tag Numbers, and then anonymously give the Tag Numbers out to people you would like to meet. You can do this by creating your own Tags, or you can save yourself some time by ordering custom Tags through the site.
The custom Tags have everything you need to get going, including the website address, your Tag Number, as well as a quick note to the Tagee letting them know that someone would like to contact them.
If you’ve found one of our tags, it means that somebody wants to talk to you!
Maybe they think you’re cute and were too shy to say hi in person, maybe they had just missed you but didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to say something, or maybe they just wanted to give you a million dollars! Ok, so that last one is pretty far fetched, but you get the idea. The point is, somebody would like to talk to you!
To start the anonymous communication process, simply type in the tag number you received and click Start Communicating.
Simple interface and easy to use. I’ll have to hand out a few at networking events and on the street and see how it goes. Part of me wonders why one would go to all the trouble, especially when Moo cards can do this trick just as easily. Plus, plenty of companies have tried this in the past, and it went nowhere.