The editors of TechCrunch: had a slow news day and hyped a Japanese virtual boyfriend simulator:
In Japan, girls are crazy over virtual boyfriends. Webkare (Web Boyfriend in Japanese), a mix between a social network and dating simulation site, is Nippon’s newest web sensation. Geared exclusively towards girls, the site attracted over 10,000 members just 5 days after its release on September 10, racking up 3.5 million page views in the same time frame.
10k people is not exactly a sensation but this brings to light just how different other cultures can be. Virtual boy/girlfriends have been around forever. Amazing that someone didn’t create a version of this for the Sims. Or did they?
How cool would it be for dating sites to let members download virtual boy/girlfriend applications web apps and for the iPhone? I met with a company last month working in the space, fascinating stuff.
The collaborative aspects of the simulator look interesting. Connecting and working with other members to achieve goals and objectives. Talk about high levels of engagement.
Lately I’ve been playing with a fun Facebook app where you take care of a dog. If you don’t feed or play with your dog, other people will take care of your dog for you. My dog hates me because I never play with him, but some kid in Indiana has been feeding him for me, I think I’ll let her continue to do so, she seems to have the most fun taking care of orphaned dogs online.
Remember the Tamagotchi circa 1996?I still have a limited edition one in the box, never opened.
I would pay $9.99 in the iTunes app store to have an application that helped me understand the type of people I should be dating based on my personality preferences and lifestyle. Like a personality test, but something that actually helps me become a better person.