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Once you find your mate online, there’s that whole living together for the rest of your life thing. Eharmony and Match and to some extent perhaps PerfectMatch are the only major dating sites that provide guidance regarding how to actually deal with another person for the rest of your life after meeting up on the services.

Two editors spent a day no farther than 15 feet apart as an experiment after reading an article in the New York Times about two Buddhists who live their entire lives next to each other.

Great video, interesting to see how the couple reacts to meetings, missing sodas and eating together off the same plate. How to deal with missing soda’s is not something you see in relationship advice columns often enough. It’s the small day-to-day real life stuff that makes up a relationship after you’ve found your “trusting, honest, sexy and stable” mate.

I need lots of personal space and would go crazy being so close to someone like the intrepid experimenters, hats off to them.