OkCupid has launched a new website called HelloQuizzy, which is squirming its way out of our womb and into public beta (their words, not mine.)
HelloQuizzy will:
- Enable third-party websites to integrate quizzes.
- Drive traffic back to OkCupid.
- Be the internal engine for OKCupid tests.
- More at TechCrunch.
First, tests are shared between OkC and HQ. Second, you can login with your OkCupid login and password. Third, if you take or write a test, your OkCupid profile will reflect it.
You know why this is going to work? I am inundated with quiz requests on Facebook. I get about a dozen a day, ranging from coffee or tea, Beatles or Beyonce all the way to whips and chains and everything in between. I only take the ones that will benefit me in some way – bring me closer to a friend or shed insight into personality of a woman I’m interested in.
But most quiz-heads, they take a crazy number of quizzes, sometimes in the hundreds. What is the psychological disorder associated with taking too many quizzes? Someone should make a quiz about how many quizzes people take and then distribute the quiz through Hello Quizzy. I’m so quizzy I’m dizzy.
When is a quiz not a test?
Interested in writing your own tests? That’s testacular! HelloQuizzy has an amazing test writing engine. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it really is. So go ahead, write that test to see if someone has the deep emotional scars you think they do.
Did they just say testacular??? That’s spectacular. Go write a test at HelloQuizzy and you might win $1,000 and a t-shirt.
Sam Yagan, CEO of OKCupid, has said that 2008 is the year that OKCupid is going to grow like gangbusters. Growth on the site has been flat for 12 months with a bit of a spike in the last month. We’ll see how HelloQuizzy does at driving traffic back to OKCupid. Was it worth it to create a whole other brand and web property? We’ll see how the quiz kids warm up to the site.
One question, where is the Facebook/Myspace/Bebo quiz engine?