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I don’t write about dating site launches often unless they have an interesting twist. Slashflirt launched today and is worth a quick look, if anything for the back-story.

Slashflirt is a new dating site focusing on gamers. Slashflirt is a play on the Slashdot brand, an online community popular with the pocket-protector set.

Those of you keeping score may remember that Consumating sold to CNET, which tried to turn it into a geek/gamer dating site. Turns out Consumating members started Slashflirt.

The founders were involved and loved mmodating.com and especially
Consumating.com (which was eventually shut down by stupid cnet, read more here
if you need (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumating)… They closed their
doors on march 14th, last month.

CNET failed with the Consumating acquisition. Consumating now redirects to Help.com. Good news for startups, the entire Consumating codebase is now available on Google Code as Clonesumating, which is Google’s answer to Sourceforge. I wrote about Clonesumating a while back.

The founders were involved and loved mmodating.com and especially
Consumating.com (which was eventually shut down by stupid cnet, read more here
if you need (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumating)… They closed their
doors on march 14th, last month.

So, some of the members of consumating.com banded together to create a brand
new site where gamers and gaming enthusiasts alike could come, meet others,
have fun, and not take themselves too seriously. You can read more on the
“about” page here: http://slashflirt.com/page/about/

So, SlashFlirt.com was born. We kicked our own butt’s to get it launched,
hoping for to launch it EXACTLY on the one-month after consumating.com went
down, but, 1 month, 1 day will do!

With a unfortunate name like Slashflirt, I’m not expecting a breakout site here but gamers need go get outside and date everyone once in a while just like everyone else.

I’m off to check out Equestrian Cupid, which came across my desk recently and more importantly because I’ve always wanted a pony.