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Finnish MP Tommy Tabermann has proposed a law granting all couples a seven-day “love vacation” to keep their relationships together.

During the seven days, couples could devote themselves to each other “both at an erotic and emotional level€” and ”find their way back to the path of love in order to find the wellspring of love again”.

Imagine if True.com had promoted legal statutes more along these lines instead of the legislation they currently trying to sell lawmakers. Most appear to have glanced at the bill over lunch and signed it as quickly as they would sign the check.

When will the the dating industry post up and put a stop the current dating regulatory nonsense, once and for all?

The Internet Alliance wrote a brief position statement (I refuse to call seven bullet points a white paper) about the True.com legislation, which is stale and inaccurate, but at least it’s out there.

Where is the uproar, does anyone actually care about the legislation? Doesn’t seem like it from my perspective.

Via BoingBoing.