Testsonthenet was commissioned to create a relationship and compatibility test for www.uol.com.br. The test forms ‘The Heart’ of their new dating site. We have also produced, and will be officially launching shortly, a ‘whitelabel’ version for counties outside of Brazil and Argentina. Our target market being medium, small and niche dating sites. Also social networking sites who will no be able to access the relationship test for a realistic cost.
Experience a new relationship test designed for dating and social networking sites and give your opinion on its accuracy. Share the link with as many people as you wish. It’s based on Jung’s Personality Type. Done before! No it has not. Other people offer ‘tests’ that include questions based on the same model..or on other models such as DISC,Big5,Cattell. However the final report delivered to the test-taker is strongly influenced by bio-data,dating preferences,even star signs. This test is the only one that offers the test-taker an unadulterated report on their personality type and identifies other types that that are likely to be compatible with. Check it and express your opinion
Donald Worley, PhD, is the Director of Operations at Testsonthenet. He has provided a link to their test, http://prfwebsite.com/TYPE-BRAND/log-in.htm. Log in as “digicraft”. Sample report output.
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