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Let’s face it, most personal ad photos are a faint glimmer of reality. Men and women are equally guilty for posting photos that don’t reflect their true self. Photo variations include the “10 years ago” photo, the “hide the body” or most often, the “that dot way in the back is me”, in which case it could be the person, Angelina Jolie or Sasquatch.

Anyone who has tried online dating has at one time or another, walked away after a date scratching their head at why the blonde bombshell/handsome devil in the photo could look like, you know.

Most personal ad photos are simply bad photos. Blurry unrecognizable faces, or my favorite, the “10 hairstyle” profile. Short hair, long hair, a few extra pounds, thin as a rail. Will the real you please stand up?

Luckily, Taaz can makeover your photo so you look like a model instead of a pasty, bleary-eyed, overworked salaryman.

According to TechCrunch:

The service, which launches today, uses some of the same tricks as many of the Flash-based photo editing tools we’ve covered in the past. Taaz has added proprietary facial recognition software so that it can, for example, figure out where your lips are when you want to put on lipstick. Taaz also differs from normal photo editing tools in that it is specifically set up to help users (mostly women) see how they might look with different hair, eyes, makeup, etc. Finished makeovers can then be shared with other users, rated, commented, etc.

The debate as to which is more important, to look better online, or look more realistic, continues.

Me, I’d rather see a person, warts an all, than doctored photos. One glamour photo is fine, show off you best side, but we’re not always dressed up for a wedding, so pick one bridesmaid photo, that’s it.

Fixing a photo is easy, fixing ourselves is what’s difficult. When will dating sites parter with life coaches to offer videos to members? Match did it with Dr. Phil, is anyone else doing this?