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A photo-browsing site Jiffr launched on Valentine’s Day. Built in a single weekend, the service is a photo-based dating service that works without words. Great if you score greater than say an 8 out of 10. Photos are pulled from your Flickr account, so you need to join to play.

Once you are registered, you can select the pictures you want to represent you. Then you’ll be able to choose users you wanna meet. The icing on the cake is that the algorithm behind gives you only one match once a week and you only have one chance to meet your favorite picture mystery.” On Thursdays, the users will be notified whether they have a match and on Saturdays they have the chance to meet each other. The meeting point is determined by the engine on a random basis.

One match a week is hardly worth the effort of publishing your photos on yet another photo service. Random meeting points? Open the phonebook to a random page, pick a name and ask the person out. Still, pretty cool for a quick hack.