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Have you seen the new Facebook Cablight application?

Cablight is a way to play matchmaker for your friends. You don’t have to be single to join Cablight. You can set up your friends privately so they don’t have to “friend” each other. If you are single and you have seen a friend of a friend that you want to meet, just click on “Vouch for Me,” and you can ask your friend to set you up. No more need to “friend” someone that you want to date! Use the 6 degrees of separation to meet through a friend. Then just check each other out discretely on Cablight.

This is like taking the Engage model and driving it viral through millions of potential users. IU am unable to try it out until the people I’ve invited respond, where is everyone? I will be tracking this closely.

This happens sometimes. Tell you what, if you want to try out these new services with me on Facebook, friend me and I’ll make sure to invite you as I try out new Facebook dating applications.

Cablight (website).