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Speaking of dating and video, a Saul M. Detofsky wrote me, saying, ” Call me soon. It’s later than you think when I get on TV.” Of course I had to check him out, as I had no idea what he was talking about.

Behold, the Let’s Meet TV Show:

Let’s Meet is the first to showcase men and women together on TV in a public domain on a split picture screen, with a genuine identity and thoroughly checked backgrounds without the high risk of being raped or murdered like on the Internet. TV viewers surf channels with a remote control instead of a PC mouse.

Let’s Meet TV Show is the first and only interactive television show in the world designed to deter date rapes by showcasing singles in a public domain like the reverse of America’s Most Wanted TV Show.

Every woman will be given a special digital cell phone to call her date log which will record the time she leaves her home. Women are required to give the full itinerary of the date along with the contact # and name of the man she is meeting and a scheduled time for her to be home. The special locater cell phones use a digital code transmitter with priority Cat Tracking Software that only the FBI, local and state police have. The phone sends a digital signal and uses GPS tracking to cell towers to locate the exact location of a woman when she hasn’t reported back from a date on time.

Wow, where to begin? Detering date rape via interactive television, that’s a new one. Actually, this would be Comcast Dating On Demand, version two, with background checks.

Comcast couldn’t get it right, let’s see how Saul M. Detofsky does. His one million dollar reward for help funding the show might pique the interest of some intrepid people with links to those with the Deep Pockets.

Saul, you may want to hire a copywriter, because your spelling and grammar is terrible and by the time I got to the end of your blog page I had no idea what I was reading.