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Find Love in a Bottle

Two Bordeaux-based wine wholesalers, Omnivins and Chateau en Bordeaux, are using wine bottle labels to promoting a new wine by bringing single wine lovers together via an online dating site. The concept, known as Soif du Coeur (Thirsty Heart), involves buying a 3 Euro...

Mobile Dating: IceBreaker Raises $7.2 Million

IceBreaker which I wrote about back in November, has landed $7.2 million in new financing, money that the Bellevue startup will use to continue marketing its mobile dating service Crush or Flush.  Crush or Flush is similar to a mobile version of HotorNot. IceBreaker...

EHarmony Stores Plenty of Romance

If  networked storage, NAS and server clusters don’t do it for you, you might want to go read about Paris. Over at ARNet, Mark Douglas, vice-president of technology at eHarmony, talked about the company’s use of storage clusters, how he chooses storage...

Myspace Profiles Now Customizable

I had to point out the irony of the latest Myspace newsletter announcing the all-new Myspace profile editor. Back in the early days, people quickly figured that a bug in the Myspace templates allowed one to change fonts colors and layouts easily, which led to the...