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If that headline didn’t do it for you, it probably didn’t work for the intended audience either. Touting a user interface technology and a development platform in the title of press release is not the smartest way to go about promoting a new dating site. After all, who besides net.heads has any idea what Ajax or RoR is?

On the other hand, MakeFriendsOnline recently sent out and email stating too much technology can scare off members:

A brand new survey released this week suggests additional technology is not always a bonus and sites could put themselves out of business if they carelessly add new features without consulting their existing member base.

Dating & friendship website makefriendsonline.com surveyed their members to see if they’d like a Video Chat option. Whilst an excited 75% of men were eager to give it a go, a resounding 56% of women found the whole idea off-putting and wouldn’t even consider it.

This may be influenced by the seedy image webcams have, thanks of course to the seedy motives of so many single male webcam users! But whatever the reason, MFO have decided to put those plans on hold for the moment, rather than risk becoming another site left wondering where all the women have gone.

Careful planning and selection of technology, features and user interface improvements can just as easily sink a dating site as attract more members. A well thought out strategy for (re)developing your site requires a balanced approach based on realistic goals, the right resources and the vision to move beyond the usual. Does your site have what it takes?