Job of the Week: Durex, maker of fine prophylactics, is looking for condom testers. Guys, please don’t crash their servers. Via Everyone’s Guide to Online Dating.
Simulating Dating: Nintendo’s Days of Memories dating simulator “is a collection of love simualtor games pitting players against ladies with slighty enlarged features in a bid to score through gestures, virtual dates and gift giving.” Via Cubed3.
Russians Spend $34 Million Dating Online. The Mamba company, which cooperates with major portals Mail.Ru, Rambler and Km.Ru, is estimated to control over 85 percent of the online dating market. Nine million of online profiles, four million of which are active.
Match video ads get personal. Your local time is displayed in the video ad. These night vision ads are creepy and the women look kind of sleazy. Guess that’s what the kids like these days, a la Paris Hilton ‘s sex video. I would love to see the click-through rate of these ads and the profiles of the people who sign up for Match.