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Sony Home Over the past several years online dating has moved from static profiles in your web browser to mobile phones, cable television channels, YouTube and the nascent SecondLife virtual environment. Today I saw something similar to SecondLife that specifically mentioned matchmaking, and totally blew me away. Watch this video for the new Sony Playstation “Home” to see what I mean.

At first glance, Home makes Myspace and generic dating sites look like amateur hour. Home could be a real winner for Sony and it’s millions of PS3 owners.

The concept behind Playstation Home is to make it easier to share, link, discover and communicate with people from around the globe, a la SecondLife, with much better graphics, and the ability to invite people to play multiplayer games. Just try that in SecondLife, it remains an underwhelming experience.

Yes the PS3 is expensive, and Home will most likely be a closed system, as opposed to open source, where anyone can develop for it freely, and I’m sure it’s going to cost something on top of the pricey Playstation but the video sure did put a big grin on my face.

The rumor started last week. I’ll put this on my watchlist and report back when more information becomes available.