A few years ago I created a simple web page that used a series of icons to depict a person and the type of people they seek. I used simple male and female icons like you find on rest room doors, and various pictures of skinny, medium-build and overweight people to make it easy to self-identify without filling out the same old textfields, drop-down boxes and radio buttons that dating sites rely on during the profile building process.
Imagini Friends has taken this to the next level.
Users are asked to identify which photo best describes their bedroom, idea of fun, whats exciting, gross, favorite drink, etc. After being led through a series of photo galleries, where all you have to do is click on a photo, you are presented with a VisualDNA Report based on your selections.
My Mood: Easy Rider
Fun: Conqueror
Habits: High Time Roller
Love: Love Bug
On the results page you can see how your choices compare to others. This is very cool. the science if imagery. Even if you’re not a visual person, you can pick out a beer over a martini, the beach over the mountains, a messy bedroom over a clean one.
I can’t wait to see what they come up with next. Linking this with Riya, which powers Like.com, would be incredible.
I’ve always like gallery view on dating sites, but why not let me click on the faces i find attractive and have that filter out potential matches? It’s far more fun to click away than visit search results, but may just be me. Anything to bring more interactivity to online dating is a step in the right direction. Unless you just want your matches emailed to you, in which case Chemistry.com or eHarmony
is the way to go.