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A few months ago Jessica Simpson was embarrassed when she mistakenly hired a professional gigolo from a dating site.

eHarmony: rock n’ Roller’s need not apply. News outlets are reporting that rock star Courtney Love was recently devastated when she failed the eHarmony personality test.

In a typo-laden message on her official website, Moonwashedrose.com, she writes, “Gurss what? After an hour plus of this thing they tell me that two percent of thier ‘Cliermnts ar elike me and there was noone for me.�?

Being married to Kurt Cobain and getting involved with lots of sketchy sex, drugs and rock will do that. Leno and Letterman are going to have a field day with this one.

This just in, Alec Baldwin is considering online dating. Zzzzz.

In other dating industry news, the owner of a Japanese online dating company was arrested for Sending 5.4 BILLION spam emails. Good riddance to the troll.