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Ticonderoga Ventures has rebranded iDate, the only online dating industry conference on US soil, as the Social Networking Conference, complete with a separate website.

While I understand the need to cover social networking as it pertains to online dating, social networking conferences are generally all on the left coast, specifically in the Bay area. That’s where the deal flow, startups and money is located. There are at least 10 get togethers each month in San Francisco alone that focus on social networking. For online dating executives, it’s simple, iDate is the only game in town. If iDate is to pull serious social network sponsors and speakers they’re going to have to prove the value of the conference.

Take a moment to leave a comment if you think I should ask to speak at iDate. I missed last year and look forward to seeing you all there. Either in the halls or by the pool, where the real action happens.

Update: There is one slot left for iDate speakers.

Technorati Tags: idate, socialnetworkingconference