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It took a year, but True.com finally sued a convicted felon.

In November 2005, TRUE took the unprecedented step of filing a lawsuit against a convicted felon and registered sex offender from California who applied for membership with the company, misrepresented his felony status, and improperly accessed TRUE’s database, all in violation of its policies. TRUE’s primary objective in the lawsuit was to obtain a permanent injunction preventing the convicted felon from accessing the TRUE Web site and its members, no matter how long it took.

The felon is banned from True.com, he has to do community service and pay some sort of monetary damages. Is it me or is this too lenient?

I wonder how much this guy is going to have to pay? The maximum fine is $250,000, and True is donating the entire? amount to SODA, the Safer Online Dating Alliance. SODA press release says TRUE.com is considering donating all funds from the settlement to further SODA’s legislative and education initiatives.

How much did the litigation cost True? $50k? $150k? If they spent that for one case, what will the cost be to litigate potentially thousands of members? It will be interesting to see how the legality of background checks comes into play into the courtroom.

More at PR Newswire.

Technorati Tags: safe dating, , true.com