Dating site avatars which help singles search, browse and communicate with each other continue to gain popularity, if only during planning sessions for the next generation of dating sites coming out in Q1 2007. Eharmony and Match have their DVD and video series, which is fine for some people. The rest of us need to be told what to do by a snarky avatar like the one at The experience interacting with a Flash-based avatar is initially appealing, but the site is more like a proof of concept search engine, it’s got nothing on Google when it comes to quick hits.
As much as I like Oddcast, it’s too cartoony and other avatar solutions are either too expensive or complicated. Flash video like this will become de rigeur as broadband penetration continues.
I’ve looked at the profile and relationship help at Yahoo and other sites, which are often designed by designers who are not single, force you to change context from the profile page to some other Flash-based area of the site and don’t provide more than the absolute basics, let alone advanced hints and tips on taking advantage of all the services the site has to offer.
Where are the dating site helper apps?
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